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Moggill S.S. High Res-23.jpg

moggill state school

A new two storey addition to Moggill State School provides four new classrooms and has been rigorously designed with the flexibility and intention of expansion into the future into eight classrooms through an infill on the ground level.

Classrooms along the upper level and its circulation spaces benefit from a visual connection with the school’s main oval as well as distant views into the surrounding bushland.

The southern elevation wraps and defines a smaller and more intimate courtyard with views of the intricate laser cut screen elements featuring the school’s logo of a lizard.

The location and placement of the building has created an opportunity for a new gateway into the campus, showcasing the detailed brickwork wall upon the approach towards the building and creating a renewed address and presence within the surrounding community.

The material palette is robust and takes reference from the existing buildings on campus – elongating the building form through the employment of face brickwork, rendered block, and laser cut screens. The use of bright colours have been manipulated to contrast the otherwise muted palette and highlights areas of interest and entries into classrooms.

key information

new school building




department of education


project collaborators

ashburner francis

mechanical engineer

h design

hydraulic engineer

jeremy ferrier

landscape architect

civil/structural engineer

vt consulting

ashburner francis

electrical engineer

mackie consultants


palmer acoustics

acoustic engineer

kate mathieson photography


moggill_elevation A.jpg

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